Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Dive and Events Calendar 2024

Waves Shape

A group of members of LVDC had a get together to see where to dive in 2024. This year we are hampered by the fact that some towers have other commitments and therefore couldn’t plan as many one day dives or weekends as we would like. We still have a good mix of social events, one day dives from our club boat, one day dives from hardboats and dive weekends.

16-2 Quiz Night

10-3 Boat Maintenance

16-3 Awards Dinner

20-4 One Day Dive

11/12-5 Swanage Dive Weekend

15/16-6 Plymouth Dive Weekend

13/14-7 Portland Dive Weekend

10/11-8 One Day Dive Hardboat

31-8/01-9 Westbay Dive Weekend

14-9 One Day Dive Hardboat

30-9/7-10 Red Sea Liveaboard trip

17-10 AGM

12-12 Christmas Dinner

What is not on here yet are training dive weekends and ad-hoc dives when a tower is available.

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