Second dive of the season for most, but first dive for Dave Hudson. So, easy dives planned on the Outer Mulberry Harbour and then a drift dive over the Waldron’s. Unfortunately, no reasonable slack on the Shirala.
Another early start for most and Dave Hudson even beat the boat to the car park. Boat prep and launching all went well and to plan. Note for next time; Harbour Lights café opens at 8am not 9am as stated on website.
We beat low tide to get out over the sand banks for easy run to the dive site. Sea was calm but stayed overcast all day.
Good to report that both engines performed well and no sign of the misfire and poor running of the port engine. However, there was still an intermittent problem with starboard bilge pump due to fuse.
Once tied off and after the usual faffing, first wave of divers were in the water at 10: 10, 5 minutes ahead of plan. followed by second and third waves. Dives lasted approximately 45 mins each dive. Vis was 5-7 meters. No current, lots of fish seen, also lobster and crab. All divers returned safely even though first wave had a little swim back whereas wave 2 and 3 returned to the shot line, a couple of us had leaks but nothing to stop us doing second dive.
Early Lunch on the boat for all and I treated the guys to cake as they all behaved so well. There was one piece left for Mr Radly sadly he wasn’t there so I ate it when I got home.
Second dive was a nice easy slow drift on the Waldron’s, again vis was similar. Lots of rocky areas, we saw crabs, a ray and a few fish. Dave B is sure he saw a shark in which sightings have been reported in the area. While we were on surface cover, Dave H spotted three dolphins which I can confirm were there.
After recovering all divers, we made our way back to the slipway again. Timings were good for tides and clearing sand bank. We recovered the boat and I’m pleased to say there was no damage to the boat. Also, no reports of any loss of dive kit. And no diver incidents.
After recovery of boat clearing dive gear and prepping for the road, we all headed for the Harbour lights café for something to eat before setting off for home.
Good to see everybody. Ready for a weekend trip now
Many Thanks,